The manga adaptation of Sora no Woto written by Paradores and with art by Shinme Yazuki was published on the magazine 月刊コミック電撃大王 (Dengeki Daioh Monthly Comic) from November 2009 to June 2011.
The manga was divided in 16 chapters, the first volume containing the first 7 chapters and the second volume the remaining 9. The two tankoubon were published by ASCII Media Works Inc. in Japan and were never licensed in any english-speaking countries, although they are currently being scanlated.
Volume 01[edit | edit source]
ch01 | ch02 | ch03 | ch04 | ch05 | ch06 | ch07
Volume 02[edit | edit source]
Plot[edit | edit source]
The manga is a retelling of the anime story, so the main plot remains the same but some parts are told from a different perspective or are altogether different.
Translation project[edit | edit source]
Simple scans scanlated the first chapter in 2010 but dropped the manga right after.
The remaining chapters are being currently scanlated by the Helvetica Scenario.
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